Mack CounselingCuffing Season is Almost Here

Mack Counseling

Cuffing Season is Almost Here

Cuffing Season is Almost Here

Depending on where you’re at, the crisp chill of autumn has just started. In Texas, we are experiencing our first “cold front”. It won’t be long before the leaves start to change and paint the lawns with oranges, reds, and browns. Next thing you know, the holidays will roll around. Something about this time of year makes many of us very aware of our own relationship status.

For some people, it is a very lonely and difficult time. Pressure from family and friends to show up with a special someone is high. Even more so, isolation prevails as loved ones pull closer to whoever’s keeping their sheets warm at night instead of their single friends. Let’s talk about it.

During this time of year, we tend to postpone letting go of people who are not good for us or allowing toxic people into our space. All this to avoid being alone during the holidays. We may overspend money, time, and energy honoring the lie to ourselves that a temporary relationship has any substance. Let’s talk about it.

Those of us already in a relationship increase sexual activity in December and January. In many long-term relationships, there may be only one person enjoying the increase in frequency. Stress and unresolved issues kill sex drive, especially for women. The holidays are funny in that way. People tend to avoid conflict or have explosive arguments during this time. Let’s talk about it. Read more…

Boundaries, self-exploration, and self-love will warm and insulate you during this time. Say no. Don’t buy things, go places, or give energy when it doesn’t light you up. Learn about what lights you up. Taking a walk to appreciate the beauty of autumn all alone, returning to a warm fire and coffee, and enjoying a good book or movie can be extremely satisfying. Maybe something else does it for you. Honor yourself. You are more valuable than you know. This can all be difficult to navigate when you are under outside pressure. I can help.

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