Mack CounselingBreak or Break Down

Mack Counseling

Break or Break Down

I hope you have enjoyed the self-care series so far. Don’t forget to check back to see my Colorado family vacation. Let’s talk about mental health days. First, we have got to accept that there is more than one way to be unwell. When we first start coming down with a cold, we can start a vitamin regimen, drink hot tea all day, get to bed early, eat comforting nutrient-rich food, etc.

This might look different for different people, but it’s care nonetheless. If we ignore the signs and keep going, then our body is going to make us sit down somewhere and take care of it. You will get fatigued, and the body will get its sleep. You will cough and sneeze, and the body will rid itself of mucus. There are several examples. Your mind is the same way. When you are going through something mentally, it is time to care for yourself. If you don’t then your mind is going to leave you no choice. Sometimes that means taking a mental health day. #

Just like you may take a day off so as not to spread a cold, you may need to take off so as not to spread negativity or whatever manifests from being under stress. Also consider that when we don’t nurse physical illness, the sickness usually lasts longer. This is true of mental health as well. The bottom line is, that when your mental wellness becomes compromised, do what you would if your physical wellness were compromised. I can help.

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